zaterdag 29 oktober 2016

Pause and reflect

The last couple of weeks I worked on the development goals I set for myself. The three goals were mentioned in the previous blog ‘Get to know the culture’. These goals were 1) find my own creativity, 2) learn and understand the Chinese culture, and 3) appreciate and respect other traditions. In this blog the three drafted goals are evaluated after a period of nine weeks.

As I am continuously looking for new ways to be creative, I see myself more as a creative person now compared with nine weeks ago. During my work I see new opportunities due to this creative mind-set by finding new ideas, solutions or methods. Also during my voluntary work I find new ideas to prepare swimming lessons and new methods of teaching. For these purposes my analytical skills are being used. Other competences used are empathy, perseverance, dare and show initiative. These skills are all used to be creative during work.

Think outside the box
Chinese culture
The last nine weeks I studied the Chinese culture, history and even language. For myself the Chinese culture and habits are clear, at least so far that I would be able to go to China and adapt to their cultural differences. After all the lessons about the Chinese culture I was thinking a lot; comparing China to the Netherlands, comparing their habits to mine, and comparing the history of both countries. During these thinking sessions the Chinese culture and associated norms and values due to precedent events were getting clearer and clearer, as well as the do’s and don’ts while having a business relationship with Chinese.  

Other cultures’ traditions
To adapt or integrate to other cultures, I find it necessary to know about the history, norms, values, differences and similar subjects. Me learning the Chinese culture is a very good example how to accept, adapt and slightly integrate while in China in a couple of weeks. As I have always been interested in other cultures, this goal is not too hard to deal with. Mentioned in the previous blog: I see myself as a person who is very open and exited to meet, see and experience someone else’s traditions and culture. Meanwhile, a view on the growth process – from denial to integration –will show that I have improved this development goal, as I started off at the acceptance phase, while I am now at the adaption phase. I expect to be between the adaption and integration phase while travelling through China. 

Chinese tradition: Chinese New Year

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